
I have had the pleasure of knowing Louann both professionally and personally for 12 years.  We first met on a professional basis.  I was working for a CPA firm with a client in the tax return preparation process.   Louann was working with the same client helping to organize their financial information and generate financial reports.  I witnessed first-hand how efficiently Louann organized the information and then was able to turn it around for the accurate presentation of financial reports using the QuickBooks program. She lessened the time that the accountants would have had to spend sorting through the information, and they in turn were able to use the information she generated to complete the tax return in a timely manner.   Also during those first interactions, I could see she has a true gift of relating to her clients in a real and personal way quickly earning their trust.  She is very easy to talk to and takes the time to explain and answer any questions her clients may have.  Over the years, we have worked from time to time with other clients concurrently, and she consistently brings to her work ethic professionalism and expertise.  She has a superb understanding of the financial realities that confront each of her client’s individual situations and is very quick to bring to their attention anything that can be improved upon.  She does so in a very helpful and understandable manner and is able to help alleviate many of their financial worries by the way she oversees and organizes their finances.

Through our initial work association, we quickly became friends, and I value that friendship immensely.  She is the kind of person that makes you feel better after you have been around her.  I have learned much from her not only on a professional level, but on a personal one as well.


Louann handles a variety of complex money management issues for my law firm on a regular basis. These issues range widely from accounts payable, accounts receivable, handling data for payroll, serving as an interface with our CPAs throughout the tax year and at tax time. Louann , also, frequently, recommends sound office policy and procedures to improve our overall financial administration, provides first rate analysis on profit sharing, employee raises and even hiring, and she performs a host of other duties for my law firm too numerous or tedious to note further here except to say that Louann handles all of the things she does for my law firm without fuss, with extraordinary competence and integrity, and, invariably, also with great, good humor.
